Free WING RACK Training Course
The Behringer WING Rack is a versatile audio processing unit designed for live sound, recording, and broadcast applications. This course will help you understand its features, setup, and basic functionality to get you started quickly. It’s a powerful audio processing tool that provides various functions such as mixing, monitoring, effects processing, and more. It is a part of the WING digital mixer series, known for its high-quality sound and intuitive interface. Simply put, IT’S A BEAST!
We will be using Mixing Station Pro instead of the Behringer Co-Pilot app for the iPad. It works right out of the box and due to the complexity of the customizing features offered by Mixing Station Pro, this will not be taught in this course. David has a fantastic Facebook Group that can answer any questions you may have about customizing Mixing Station Pro. David is not affiliated with this course. If you want to learn more about the advanced features of Mixing Station Pro, you can join his group by clicking here.
The custom videos made for this course are copyrighted and not available to the general public. You are encouraged to watch them before you contact me so you will already be somewhat familiar with the subject matter & most of your questions will be answered by these videos.
Downloading The WING Rack PDF Files
The Behringer Wing Digital Mixer series has several documents that will aid in the understanding and use of the WING Digital Mixers and includes the WING Rack. These files are in a zip folder and can be downloaded for your convenience. This is the material we will be referring to as we advance through this course. The following files are included in this zip folder and are current as of November 17th, 2024.
- General Audio Terms
- BE-P0BV2-WING-OSC-Documentation-0.59
- INNO-MECH_Drawing_0604-AAE_WING-RACK_2024-08-27_Rev.00
- WING Remote Protocols
- Wing Snapshot Scope Quick Ref Guide
- WING DAW Documentation
- WING MIDI Documentation
The two files below were designed and written by D & L Recording Studio LLC.
- WING Rack Routing Layout
- WING Solo Modes
Please click here to start the automatic download. The size of this zip folder is approximately 19.5kb in size.
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