Free X32 Rack Training Course

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This self paced detailed easy to understand video course, is designed to take a new X/M32 mixer user from getting their mixer in the mail, to updating the firmware and getting audio signals from your inputs to your outputs and all the fascinating things in-between. This course is for people who have little or no experience using X/M32 Mixers, or for those making the move from analog to digital. Anytime you see the “Materials” tab in these lessons, please click on them for additional information.

These videos are in the proper order and if you view them in this order, you will learn how to use the X/M 32 Mixers very quickly. In fact, these 18 videos are less than 2 hours combined. These videos will be straight to the point and as short as possible, while still guiding you through specific sections of the X/M32 Mixers step by step. These videos are done in chronological order so you will be advancing your knowledge as you are working right alongside with the videos.

There is no doubt in my mind that if you give me two hours of your life, you are going to be amazed at the capabilities you have at your finger tips, when if comes to producing professional audio regardless of the venue! Humbly, Dana.

The X32 Rack User Manual is very confusing when you read it for the first time, if you have little or no experience using this type of digital mixer. It's the advanced features that most people ​have a real issue with. We highly suggest you click here and download & read it. Then read it again after you take this course. It should be a lot easier to follow.

We also have a free Audio Term PDF. You don't need to memorize it but it's hard to help resolve your issues when you say, "I plugged it into that square thingy over there and I don't have a signal", and we don't know what that means.

This link will take you to a article I wrote concerning feedback and this link will take you to a picture of how digital and analog signals compare with each other. If you are coming over from the analog world, you really need to download this picture.

If you get a 95% or higher on your finial quiz for this course, you will will receive a $100 discount for my paid X32 Rack Live Training course. You only get one shot. ;-)

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