My name is Dana and I am the owner of D & L Recording Studio LLC. I am reaching out to seek your support for an heart felt project we are currently undertaking involving the production of an audio CD (s) aimed at providing financial relief to the Family of Deputy Hunter Reedy, as well as create a keepsake that will honor his service for years to come through Gospel Music. We believe that with your support, we can amplify our efforts and make a meaningful impact in our community as well as Law Enforcement Communities worldwide. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in the following areas:

1. Share our efforts on your website or social media accounts.
2. Sponsor our efforts through monetary donations on the right of this page if you are viewing this on your computer or at the bottom of this page if you are using your smart devices. ALL donations will be received by Deputy Keith Jackson. 276-780-4674. Any amount is deeply appreciated! Since we are not a 501c Corporation, unfortunately your donations are not tax deductible.
3. Advertise the finished Audio CD and Digital Downloads through your website and social media accounts.

We are confident that with your support we can successfully bring this project to fruition and engage our community in a valuable way. I would be more than happy to provide additional details, answer any questions or meet at your convenience in person or over Zoom to discuss this further. If you would like to schedule an appointment via Zoom, please click here. Please fill out the information below so we can get you listed on our website and other social media accounts and thank you for supporting the Family of Deputy Hunter Reedy! Warm regards, Dana Tucker.


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