This self paced detailed easy to understand video course, is designed to take a new X/M32 mixer user from getting their mixer in the mail, to updating the firmware and getting audio signals from your inputs to your outputs and all the fascinating things in-between. This course is for people who have little or no experience using X/M32 Mixers, or for those making the move from analog to digital.

These videos are in the proper order and if you view them in this order, you will learn how to use the X/M 32 Mixers very quickly. In fact, these 19 videos are less than 2 hours combined. These videos will be straight to the point and as short as possible, while still guiding you through specific sections of the X/M32 Mixers step by step. These videos are done in chronological order so you will be advancing your knowledge as you are working right alongside with the videos.

After using the X32 Rack for close to 8 years & already making close to two hundred “X/M32 How To Videos”, I keep getting asked the same question over and over. “I just got my mixer and after plugging in a mic and hooking up some speakers, I can’t get any sound coming out. Do you have a video course that starts from the beginning and goes through the process of hooking up a mic and getting sound out of the speakers and my monitors”?

Truthfully, if you were standing in front of me at this very minute, it would take me less than 20 seconds to show you how to set up a channel strip compressor, but it may take 20 minutes for me to explain to you why I did what I did. This course should allow you to get your mixer up and running in no time at all. I hope this helps further your knowledge of the X/M32 Mixers. The stats in the picture showing 736,397 views, is from my previous “X/M32 Mixer How To Videos”.

If you would like to gain more experience after watching these videos, please check out my one on one training via Zoom, or maybe you just need to book an hour of my time to go over a few questions. There is no doubt in my mind that if you give me two hours of your life, you are going to be amazed at the capabilities you have at your finger tips, when if comes to producing professional audio regardless of the venue! Please leave a review at the very bottom so I can improve my training skills. Enjoy. YBIC, Dana.

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X/M32 Free Video Training Course
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 2 reviews
 by Karen Summers

I just starting using the rack and I was ready to give up. JD told me about your website. After watching your videos I have a thousands other questions, but at least I know how to use the basic functions and I am learning to love this mixer!! Thank you for doing this.

 by Jack S.

This could not have come at a better time. I have spent hours online watching videos that were way over my skill level. You really made it easy to follow along. Jack.

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