As a lover of the inspiration for living to be gained through stories, Trisha is fascinated by the idea of communicating in a way that immerses the listener in an atmospheric experience. She is a audio-book narrator and voice actor. Her sensitive, intuitive personality enables her to create a compelling performance.
She is always seeking ways to improve her craft, but honestly when it comes right down to it, she just tries to express how she is feeling the story. Trisha’s love of learning serves her well in researching and in being well-read in a variety of genres and topics. She particularly enjoy performing the classics, drama, children’s and girls’ genres.
I first met this young lady in a community of volunteers called LibriVox. LibriVox is a group of worldwide volunteers who read and record public domain texts creating free public domain audio books for download from their website and other digital library hosting sites on the internet. She has a gentleness about her that will drag you in when she is narrating one of her many stories, sometimes playing many roles.
I had the wonderful privilege of talking with Trisha last night and if you are interested in becoming a narrator or voice actor, I can not think of a better role model for you to follow! In the audio below you will hear us talk about the ACX as well as their requirements. The audio you will be listening to, will pass those requirements with ease, that’s what I do. I teach you how to pass the ACX requirements with flying colors. Sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy our conversation. You can find Trisha as well as follow her on the www at the following locations below.