1. The first thing that must be done is to establish your website domain name, IE: (www.MyChurchName.Org). The name you choose needs to be easy for someone to remember, as well as spell. This way if you meet a stranger and ask them to visit your website, it will easy for them to remember. To find out if the domain name is available, simply click here and search for the name you want. Popular extensions for Churches are .org, .net and .com.
  2. The second step is to design the website using Word Press CMS. (Content Management System). There are thousands of free themes, plugins as well as forms that can be incorporated into WP. It is a simple process to except tithes online through PayPal or be automatically notified of someones online prayer request or receive any questions someone may have.
  3. The third step is to gather all the information for your website. Most Church based websites will include the Church History, Beliefs, Bios for the Pastor, Youth Pastor, Praise and Worship Leader/Team and Office Staff. You also will want to include your service times, contact information as well as your location. It is a simple process to incorporate Google Maps into your address, so anyone can get directions from their location, to your location.
  4. The last step is to assign email addresses. From the Pastor & Praise and Worship Leaders, to Nursery Coordinators and Office Staff, everyone gets their own email address that can be forwarded to their own personal email account if desired.

Once I am provided with the above information, I will start setting up your website. Once the website is set up, I will work with the person designated as the official webmaster for the website, to show them how to maintain the website, add posts, audio and video. This will be done using Zoom. The person being trained must have a PC or Laptop with a USB Headset, (optional, around $46.00 at Walmart) and Internet access.

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